Saturday, February 8, 2014

River City Sups

River City Sups
     The River City.  It is a place that has burned down two or three times and is still rising from the ashes.  A place where city councilmen use city funds for their weekend getaways.  And the indigent roam the street, because there is no shelter for the tired, hungry masses, but there are multi-million dollar mansions bought with old money and old blood, overlooking monuments to soldiers of a war that they lost.  A river teaming with whitewater surges through this little metropolis.
     In this grimy town sits a college that is slowly but surely buying up the poorer neighborhoods and gentrifying all in it's path.  Crime, sex, drugs, and corruption, run rampant.  And who will stand against it?  Who will be the beacon of light in this dark city?  Who will bring this city forth from the ashes?
     These guys?
Skyler Farmer, AKA; SCREAMO: (21)  A supersonic howling hipster screaming in the night.  His singing will BLOW YOUR MIND.  A college student and dorm security guard by day majoring in, what else, homeland security.  By night he is the unofficial leader of this vigilante crew.  At odds with sometimes it seems like the whole city.  What can this young man do in the face of such destruction?  
(his arch nemesis: NEIGHBOR RON)
Trip Longbow: (20)  He has never missed a target and never will, he walks with an effortless shuffle and slouch, but in his heart beats a hero's drum.  He and Skyler are roommates at 204 N. Vine St. the headquarters of the River City Sups.  This heroic marksman is the beer pong and corn hole champion.
( his arch nemesis: Drunk Mike)
Arnold Fishburne, AKA; WYLDEHEART: (21)  Call him Arnie... I dare you.  Strong and kindhearted, but there is a part of him that you can never touch.  And a secret beast within, always ready to spring forth and berserk.  If you give him a bottle of whiskey he transforms into a near invincible monster, which comes in handy when fighting crime, but the hangover is killer. 
(arch nemesis: Metal Bobby) 
Together they make up three members of The River City Sups!!!
next issue: Meet the Whole Crew!

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