Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Food Court

     I went to the mall today.  In the food court to the left of the Burger King there is a place called Little Tokyo, and to the right a place called Honolulu BBQ.  Directly across the seating area is a place called China Max.  All of these places serve "fried rice", although one calls it "Hawaiain Rice".  Two have noodles.  All have a salty chicken or beef combo that taste fairly similar.  Two have cylindrical fried rolled up things referred to as eggrolls, and all serve the great Coca Cola products.  Two of these places have a bourbon chicken option.  Bourbon, which is a Kentucky liquor.  The ethnicities of the proprietors of these places are not obvious, and I would not even try to guess.  Some speak Spanish, others speak broken English with a east Asian accent.  I know the food is probably terrible for you and is mass produced in some factory somewhere and shipped to these three little businesses.  I know this is because a bunch of American's once decided that they wanted to eat the food of these three diverse cultures, and that some corporation in their wisdom decided to dumb it down, dull the flavor, and mass manufacture it.  This is what we do, we find something unique and different and make the American version.  This is the American dream.  Great food done poorly.   

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