Monday, February 24, 2014

Another Excerpt from the Bible 2

The Bible Two:  The ‘New’ New Testament:
Stories from hell…

An Excerpt from the Journal of Jack Covington P.I.

     Leninovich Stolalvya in life had been a successful man.  A respected man almost up until his death.  Lenny as his friends called him, had grown up first generation American who put all his efforts into becoming a king in the financial market.  Unfortunately with great passion sometimes comes greed.  A hunger that is never filled.  The constant acquisition of more and more power and money is what drove him.  When his investors finally realized that they investing in speculating on speculation, and that all their money was gone Lenny was already so wealthy he couldn't be touched, or so he thought.  During a particularly dire low point in the world economy the American Government which he loved and had helped out from time to time decided to make an example of him.  Rather than let him blame bad management for his crimes, they held him personally and financially responsible.  Before they could have him arrested he took his gold plated .44 magnum and ate a bullet.  Now, when they say 'there is a special place in hell, for this kind of person'  there is.  He and a few other not so poor souls, are housed in a few old dilapidated mansions overlooking the lake of sulfur.  We called it ' The Hamptons'.  Even in hell the rich folk still have nice views. 

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