Sunday, February 2, 2014


I can’t believe this crap…

It only took me one day to run out of things I want to write about…

Whatever no one is going to read the stuff anyway…

I guess I could write a poem, but I don’t know, I don’t feel like getting drunk enough for that…

Maybe I could go back and write another fake lover letter to Rasputin…

I don’t think so.  I can’t do two letters in a row.  People will be all like “what is this a blog full of letters?”

Maybe I could write about one of my dreams...  I don’t remember my dream from last night though…

Perhaps I should write about love, or truth, or the spirit…

Nah the golden rule is “write what you know”…

What do I know?  What do I know?...

I know that those mice in my house died a horrible death…

A horrible, accidental death…

Oh the fragility of all life…

Oh the suffering…

Man I am hungry…

Why am I hungry I just ate like a whole sleeve of Ritz crackers…

I need to stop snacking and start eating regular meals…

I think Oprah used to tell everybody to do that, she was also super anti-carbs…

Remember when the meat industry tried to sue her…

Isn’t that how she met Doctor Phil?...

What!?!?  Philip Seymour Hoffman died what a bummer…


Well time to get real and get this blog post written…

Wait isn’t it Super Bowl Sunday, I got to see the new commercials!!!!


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