Monday, January 14, 2013


Chapter 1; Verse 1:: 
Our story begins the way many others don’t with an end.  In fact THE END.  The end to all that was ever known or sought or thought or bought or sold or speculated upon.  The end to all that was conceived or concealed or revealed or congealed.  The end of all things,  the most important of which at least to this story, the end of all human life. 
    Some said it would end in fire, others said Ice.  Still others said we would Nuke each other to death.  Some said the world was warming up to fast, some said it was too chilly so you should put on your jacket.  A good many thought that the year 2000 would bring a cataclysmic event, at least financially although the smart money was on 2012.  But alas both bets were wrong.  And thus God really confused everybody when he simply popped his head out of his far off interstellar hut and said:
“SHUT THAT LIGHT OFF… Can’t a guy get some sleep around here?”  And there was no light.  No Light meant no life.  With this one sentence God uncreated all that he had created.  It took him a week the first time and he had been resting ever since.  This time it took him roughly 5 seconds. 
 To be continued… 

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