Thursday, October 25, 2012


Welcome to the BLOG Blog-
 Where we talk about blogs and all the blogging people who love to blog their little blogging hearts out.  All these bloggies blog all blogging day long.  They blog and they blog and they think we give a blog about what goes on in their bloggie brains.  In the opinion of this blogger they should all be blogged in their blogging blogs and then go blog themselves.    
Until next Time  
Blogward J. Blogington
Cheif Blogenginere of the BLOG BLOG Blog

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The King Of Partytown

His stumbly shadow is creeping up the alley, penetrating the ghostly light
     The king stomps through as if falling towards something
     Away, distant music, the sound of revelers in their prime
     He finds a quiet spot to lean and relieve himself

     The world is his urinal this king, this giant, this emperor, of this Party Town
     Fumbling with his royal scepter, just in time, he sighs and pays tribute to the cobbles
     Kings ne’er lose balance, the wire fence is kind enough to support
     He extends the royal palm and greets the fence with a kingly grumple and glurp
     A sprightly puss scurries forth from a waste bin with a mew and a hiss


     The King yells, for a cat is nothing to a King
     A mongrel awakened by the commotion of the King’s visit
     Rushes to the fence to get a closer look at the dark regal figure
     They bark and howl at one another ‘til they both succumb to wheezes and pants

     The King lets out a glorious hiccup that shakes his majestic frame
     Breathing through dragons nostrils
     The King empties his tyrants stomach
     What a gracious King for this second gift to the city
     The imperial spasms begin to subside
     The King of Party Town wipes his lips and saunters on into the night
     In search of more libations and revelry

     The way back has been blocked by metallic monsters
     Blue strobe lightening bolts shooting from their heads
     The King turns his nose up at these party poopers and strolls on
     Party Town ain’t what it used to be he thinks
     Perhaps a late night dip in the cleansing river
     A King’s baptism

     The river city is teaming with life as the King of Party Town sheds his clothes
     A man, a myth, a legend, a giant, a GOD
     The water holds him as he gazes up
     At the city
     His CITY!
     “I OWN THIS BITCH!!!”  he screams into the night

Another long lost letter from Rasputin's young Lover

My Darling Rasputin,
                               Your essence is like oxygen to me.  I keep dreaming of you wondering when my mystical pilgrim will return.  When will he bring an end to this eternal Siberian winter.  I yearn for your mystical throbbing scepter.  Without you I am the empty, barren tundra.  I still feel you where you were inside me and I want you there again.  Return to me oh Rasputin my love or love is dead. 
                                                          Das Va Danya
                                                       Svetlana Banglanka
P.S.  OMG!! I heard you were anti-war me too.  Of course, we have to do what is good for mother Russia, but not at the cost of innocent lives.  Oh you are so smart and cute I want to kiss you right on your scraggley beard.  SMOOCHIES!!!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


             My Chinese friend Gum and I were driving in the car and he was telling me about how one time he disintegrated.  All of his cells and particles and atoms dissolved out into the Universe.  In this moment he felt a complete deep spiritual connection with the Universe.  More than a connection in fact, he was the universe.  In that instant he became every blade of grass blowing in the wind.  He felt the plight of the homeless and indigent and felt the immortality of the rockstar.  He was the morning dew and a cloudy sunrise bleeding orange, red and purple sweeps across the sky.  To him it seemed he was consciousness.  It was at this point that it all came to him.  The answer to the eternal question.  A meaning to this life.  A purpose to these seemingly random events and to natures cruelty.  I asked him what the answer was and he responded.  “I dunno dude… I forgot.”