Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Rhyme Is For Suckers

Rhyme is for suckers

 Some poets are hell bent on meter and form. 
Others blurt out their verse in a storm
of imagery, and emotion, and words chosen.
They think slant rhymers are a dime a dozen.
Pentameters, stanzas, couplets, and beat,
don’t always make a poem smell as sweet.

 I myself am not big on punctuation.
My poems have as much rhythm as an echocardiogram’s fluctuations,
 UP and DOWN, UP and DOWN, and beEP BEep bEEP!
It is enough to jolt even Mr. Van Winkle from his deepest sleep.

 To say I am lesser, is to deny some simple truth
 that a rose is a rose, and a poem a poem, and of that there is proof.
 So for all you rhymers, and lyricists, and reciters,
 for all you rose red, violets blue, and rapper’s delighters,
 for the slammer, the jammers, and the bee bop skeetin’ daddios, I have but one message and it is this:

The ‘proof is in the pudding’ and ne’er in how you mix!

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