Sunday, September 1, 2013


A needle in a stack of needles
Start over begin again
Lather rinse
Absorb the new
Shake your ass
Scream the lyrics with a fist in the air
Blood boiling heart beating through concrete
Crush everything there is no stopping you

she brushes my arm
  Intent on having my attention
Must be the Pabst
  Or the Schnapps after shave
Maybe she’s in heat perhaps we should meet
  Before I can investigate she is gone
And now this asshole is slowly annexing my bar space
  My appeasement tactics are not working
They never do
  These fascists in their tight tees encroaching on my hard won bar land
I need breathing room

Arrogance my only virtue
Narcissism my only vow
I sweat for work
I bleed for nothing
I eat to stuff it
I drink to snuff it
I don’t sleep
So, now it is time to adjourn
We only have the present
I will spend mine being the buffoon
The center of attention
Or at least slightly left of center

Counting the hours
What hour was it when his breath last fogged the glass
The hot mist of time thick with shoulda, coulda, wouldas
Solid and substantial but waning
Ebbing, leaving us with every moment receding
A dawn with no dusk to follow
Or twilight eternal but in a wink it is gone
Time is folding up in front of me
A line on paper doubled over
Meaningless as names
Essential as the sun
Strong as water
Pure as snow
Then the sun sets early
Youthful star that seemed so bright yesterday, is gone today
It is not yesterday we only observe from the future looking back at our past sins
He was shot for four dollars and an Iphone, he was here three days
He lived a blip

The object of my desire
Never objectified
For the crown she wears keeps her chin raised to the sky
My courtly love, my courtly lust rather
I am trapped, jailed, imprisoned within her eyes
My eyes know what my hands, my tongue, my whole body want
Dream of
Yearn for
I see her shoulders bend and spring back
A bird, no feathers just smooth creamy coffee skin
No bird, a cat, this lioness cranes he neck her eyes searching for prey
Is it my heart or my loins pounding
They are both willing victims
They have succomb
This woman
This goddess

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