Wednesday, June 19, 2013


He was homeless
He was a vagrant
He was a drunkard
 But he was decent to me

He had his own language
 Cobweb castles in the mornin’ to warm up
 Before he hoofed it down to the library

He always had a schedule
 But nowhere to sleep
He couldn’t eat the chips that the church gave him
 ‘Cause they was too hard for his crumbling teeth

He had nicknames for his favorites
  Two Tone and Spotey Odey
He laughed easily

He just came by for water
 And a jaw wag
He made the squares feel uncomfortable
 I only saw him drunk once and I didn’t like it

He had a family outside the city just like mine
 One day he stopped stopping by
I never saw him again

 But I still wonder about Larry
Every time I walk the streets
 With nowhere to go and nothing to be
I wish I could’ve done more
 But all he ever wanted was water and a quick chat

I hope he is somewhere
 Still hoofing it
Watching out for tiggy and ooch
 And not trusting cats ‘cause they’ll snitch on you
The ghetto screamers blaring bass
  As he tries to find his way home
Wherever that is

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