Thursday, April 4, 2013

Some of my Favourite Quotes

                                                                 Potent Quotables!!

“You can’t spell fatigue without Fat…”
                                                           …Agatha Flatbottom from The Dirt Diet

“It is always better to give than receive…especially when fists are involved.”
                                                                        …Kato Aktagawa, Ancient Japanese Proverb
“I put the Man in Mantra.”
                               …Painder Faize, from Meditating on Maditations

“Some days you’re the teenager, other days you’re the unwanted fetus.”
                                                                              …Arnold “The Beef” Fishburne, from Selected Letters

“I’m not above scheming if you need somebody to scheme.”
                                  …Some Girl At Crossroads, from a conversation about some girl who totally sucks

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