Thursday, April 4, 2013

You're in the Bar You'll Go Far

Something dark and tasty of the beer variety
All things and plenty but don’t be hasty
Go slow
Let it ride
Drink it down
Sling back the goof juice ‘tis the season

The fryer went down
The fryer went down

Relax you got your Pabst
And the persistent beats drowning out the patron’s squabble
It’s a long story in a martini shaker
It’s a dry morning buzz and a kiss on the cheek
It’s the syncopated sweat beads
Tap Tapping on the small of her back
Bare bodies bouncing and bending
And you are spent but you don’t know where the floor went
There is no ceiling just endless black night sky

Tonight you’ll smile and stare and run your hands through your hair
She’ll be there and she’ll wonder where you came from and where you’re going
But she’ll know soon that you’re nowhere and nothing
For tonight you can feast one another and lie
Un-focus your eyes and look at your words
As they bleed and you regurgitate them in a meaningless scribble
Mr. Manager sits and lords over it all
We’re all bricked in to our tomb
The Pharaohs of old still begging to be remembered
You’re in the bar you’ll go far

Some of my Favourite Quotes

                                                                 Potent Quotables!!

“You can’t spell fatigue without Fat…”
                                                           …Agatha Flatbottom from The Dirt Diet

“It is always better to give than receive…especially when fists are involved.”
                                                                        …Kato Aktagawa, Ancient Japanese Proverb
“I put the Man in Mantra.”
                               …Painder Faize, from Meditating on Maditations

“Some days you’re the teenager, other days you’re the unwanted fetus.”
                                                                              …Arnold “The Beef” Fishburne, from Selected Letters

“I’m not above scheming if you need somebody to scheme.”
                                  …Some Girl At Crossroads, from a conversation about some girl who totally sucks