“Hey what’s up Patrick?
You going to lunch with mom and dad tomorrow?”
“I… well uh… I hadn’t really planned, uh… whether or not…
but sure, yeah.”
“OOoook, well I was only asking to see if you wanted to ride
“Sure, what’s wrong with your car?”
“Nothing is wrong with my car… I just figured it is stupid
for all three of the siblings to drive, especially since you and I live near
each other.”
“Yeah, ok, I just figured if you were asking for a ride
something was wrong.”
:::grunts::;” Yeah well, no there is nothing wrong, just
thought we could save gas or the environment or something.”
“Ok sure I will call you when I leave my house tomorrow.”
“Ok see ya.”
“See ya.”
The next day
“Mom and dad still at church?”
“Yeah I wonder if Betsy is coming, I should’ve just parked
on the street instead of the driveway.”
:::door opening and closing:::
“Whelp, there she is.
Hey Hey.”
“Oh you too rode together, what is something wrong with your
car JOE?”
“Uh No there is nothing wrong with my car.”
“Because you know that is the first thing Mom and Dad are
gunna ask.”
“Yeah I figured.”
“So, Joe is there something wrong with your car, is that why
you didn’t drive today?”
“No, Mom there is nothing wrong with the car.”
“Do you need any new clothes?”
:::Cue soundtrack pause on close up on my face looking
slightly stricken::: Fade out:::